How to Make a Webpage by Hugo

Do you like this website?

If yes, let me tell you how to create it on your own site

Create Local Website

This tutorial is based on HUGO, a convenient command line tool to create and manage your website in a Markdown way.

1 Install HUGO

In Linux or MacOS, run the following command (if you have installed brew already)

brew install hugo

2 Create a New Site

cd to your local directory that you are going to store all your website file. For example, run the following command

cd /home/[usename]/Documents/mysite

Then, use hugo new site [website_name] , where you can change [website_name] to your favorite. For example

hugo new site homepage

Executing this command, the HUGO will create several directories and files that are necessary for your website.

If you cd into ./homepage/, the directory structure looks like:

├── archetypes
│   └──
├── config.toml         # The configure file
├── content             # Where you store Markdown webpages
├── data                
├── layouts             # Layout of your website 
├── static              
└── themes              # Where you store your favorite themes

Bear in mind the differences between website and webpage

Webpage is what you can directly see in a browser. It is basically a .html file.

Website is the union of all your webpages, including some asserts like images, document files, videos, etc.

3 Download a Theme

You can find your favorite themes in Hugo Themes, and download it by the instructions in the link.

For example, I like minimo, where it is on The says, I should run the following command to install this theme

git clone --depth 1 themes/minimo

4 Configure for Website

There is an example configure file in the theme, ./themes/minimo/config.toml

You can simply copy it to your own directory and modify it. To do so, run

cp ./themes/minimo/exampleSite/config.toml ./config.toml

Here’s an example of my config.toml file:

baseURL = ""
title = "Yixiao Li"
theme = "minimo"

Paginate = 5
preserveTaxonomyNames = true

enableRobotsTXT = true # generate robots.txt

# Syntax Highlighting ( )
pygmentsCodefences = true

enableEmoji = true

# Missing translations will default to this content language
defaultContentLanguage = "en"

description = "A senior student in USTC."
title404 = "Nothing's here!"

favicon = "favicon.ico"
customCSS = ["css/custom.css"]
customJS = ["js/custom.js"]
gopher = "" # used in 404 template ( Generator: )

# date & time format:
dateFormat = "2006, Jan 02"
listDateFormat = "2006, Jan 02"
archiveDateFormat = "Jan 02"
#hideEntryNavigation = ["page"] # boolean / array of sections
#hideEntryMeta = ["page"] # boolean / array of sections
showReadingTime = true
showLastmod = true
taxonomyCloudShuffle = true
#accentColor = "#ffcd00"
hideMainMenu = false

enable = true

header = ["breadcrumbs"]
sidebar = ["about","sidebar_menu", "social_menu"]
footer = ["social_menu"]

# Title Separator: - – — · • * ⋆ | ~ « » < >
titleSeparator = "•"

email = ""
github = "yxli2123"
linkedin = "yixiao-li-90710b209"

#page = "/:slug/"

name = "HOME"
weight = -10
identifier = "home"
url = "/"

name = "POST"
weight = 2
identifier = "post"
url = "/posts"

name = "COURSE"
weight = 3
identifier = "course"
url = "/course"

# edit this block for your own language
lang = "en"
languageName = "English"
weight = 1

      unsafe = true

5 Create a New Webpage

The webpage you are looking at is written by html, which is hard to write for beginners. However, you don’t need to write your own webpage by html, all you need is MARKDOWN. If you are not familiar with Markdown, please read this:

Now, suppose you have learn how to write .md file. Let’s create a new webpage first by creating an .md file first.

Make sure your terminal is in the ./homepage directory, to create a file, run

hugo new posts/

This post/ is the sub directory of you website. For example, if you have a domain called Then this commend will create a file in

CAUTION: You should always create a file in command line, rather than directly from the desktop.

To modify your file, you can either use VIM in terminal or other application like Typora.

6 Post Your Webpage

Keep mind that all your file is written in Markdown. Now let’s post them into HTML files that can be directly upload to your server.

hugo -D

This command will create a directory called ./public. You can upload this directory to your server now.

If you want to explore it in local, the run

hugo server -D